A new kind of motif for a definitive stamp
So far the motifs of Swedish definitive stamps were primarily Swedish kings, even further back in the 19th century often just the the denomination value in figures, later on typical Swedish symbols like the Three Crown series or historical motifs, like the Rock Carvings, the 3.50 kr Ale'stones or the 3.80 kr the Lion Fortress. This 35 öre black-brown/blue is the first definitive stamp with a motif from mother nature, Swedish nature of course - the motif is a typical Swedish mountain in the norh, a fjeld. In addition it was multi-coloured.
The Fjeld did not directly replace a stamp from the Gustaf VI Adolf type III series which were the cases for the New Numeral Type and the Posthorn. The 35 öre Fjeld co-existed with the 35 öre violet Gustaf VI Adolf. It was actually an alternative to the stamp with the King's portrait. That was also a novelty.
It was a low denomination and its single use was domestic post cards, as well as to the other Nordic countries until March 1969 or as printed matter after March 1969 until July 1971. It was issued in nearly 215 million in total which must be regarded as a huge number for a single definitive stamp at the end of the sixties. The artist was Sixten Lundbohm and it was engraved by Czeslaw Slania.
1967, 18 April, 35 öre black-brown/blue The Fjeld. Qty: 195,000,000.
2-sided perf.
Domestic or Nordic postcard.
It was also issued as booklet with 10 stamps (the 188th booklet issued by Swedish Post), value: 3.50 kr. Two stamps, a pair, was 70 öre and covered the rate of international standard letter (- 20 g), also until July 1971. This was by far not the only definitive stamp in 1967, it seems that 1967 really was the year of new looking definitive stamps. The
3.80 Lion Fortress, followed by
4.50 Uppsala Cathedral and
7 kr Gripsholm Castle for parcels and then the new kind of slot-machine booklet
Iron Age Öland and in the fall that year as much as four new definitive stamps called the
Definitive Stamps.
1967 18 april, 35 öre black-brown/blue The Fjeld. Qty: 9,900,000. 3-sided perf. From the 188th booklet by Swedish Post. 10 stamps.
International standard letter (- 20 g), pair of stamps.
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